Peter Condu - Klässbol's Linen Weaver

Peter Condu

Peter Condu

"Linen is Sweden's silk."

New shapes in a classic material Products that should work in both traditional and modern environments. And work for a long time. Linen is a material that lives a long time - the design must last at least as long. Good design is timeless and universal. That's why Peter Condu has deliberately chosen an exquisitely austere style for Klässbol's linen fabrics. It is the material that should speak, the patterns are formed by and live in different structures in the fabric. "Linen is Sweden's silk", Peter Condu has long claimed. "Properly treated, it has unsurpassed beauty values ​​and certainly does not need to be held back by any other textile material".

Peter Condu's textile art is internationally known. As early as 1970, the American department store chain Lord & Taylor introduced his work across the continent and he himself became a commuter between Stockholm and New York for several years with his own stores in both places. The export to Japan also started early and now he is represented in many public and private environments in many countries as well as in several museums, including the National Museum in Stockholm, the Röhsska Konstslöjdsmuseet in Gothenburg and the Danska Kunstindustrimuseum in Copenhagen.

“There is nothing like the feeling of linen. We humans have loved linen since ancient times. Reference books and non-fiction lists properties such as "strength, durability, shine and pleasant coolness". Factual words from books, which may not say much about feelings. But once you've felt a fresh linen towel against your face, you can hardly imagine anything else. That's what the 'linen feeling' is.”

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