The "blue order" largest in our history.

Blue order linen napkins tablets Klässbols Linneväveri Hanne Vedel

The "blue order" largest in our history.

Blue order linen napkins tablets on plate with coffee cup Klässbols Linneväveri Hanne Vedel table setting

There was fuss and fuss at the weaving mill during the fall of 2018. The reason was not that Christmas was approaching, but around a certain "blue order". An order that became our largest ever with 48,000 articles. The customer and Klässbol's customer, Hanne Vedel, is known around the world for his high-quality fabrics in timeless design for, among other things, the UN headquarters in New York, the Danish Parliament, hundreds of churches and countless homes and businesses.
This particular order job was ultimately to be given as a Christmas present to Danfoss Denmark's 6,000 employees, and as Thermia in Arvika was previously owned by Danfoss, discretion was important so that the surprise was not spoiled.

98 million meters of blue yarn were used to produce 24,000 napkins and 24,000 tablets. It was warped, test woven, woven, calendered (mangled), sewn, hemmed, made up, ironed, packaged and finally shipped across the Sound.
The reason why the color blue was chosen by Hanne and her team was because that color is considered to suit porcelain best.

Everything was to be delivered a few weeks before Christmas and when the weaving mill previously received larger orders, a shorter period could be set aside without disrupting the workflow too much. But this time it was different as it took a large part of the early summer and autumn to finish. This meant that some adjustments in workflows had to be rescheduled. The production line was strict and everyone really did their utmost to produce as perfect a result as possible.

The work itself was a nice challenge for the company and a unique opportunity to show that we can receive really large orders.

Please see the film below that Sven Dall (Hanne Vedel's son) made during his days with us.
If you prefer to watch it on Hanne's YouTube channel, do so here

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