Contact, opening hours weaving and shop in Klässbol - Klässbols Linneväveri


In the weaver in Klässbol you have the opportunity to experience the production of Klässbol's Linneväveris linen products up close. Here you can also buy our products with access to our entire range, products from other sorting and special products at very favorable factory prices. Here you will also find our popular 2nd sorting! Get inspired - watch movies from us a little further down.

Regular opening hours
Mon-Fri 10-17
Sat 10-16
Sunday closed

Special/deviant opening hours
We are open almost all red days and squeeze days all year round!(Other times apply to our regular opening hours)

Cutting Thursday April 17 10.00 - 17.00
Long Friday April 18 10.00-16.00
Easter Eve April 19 10.00-16.00
Easter Day April 20 10.00-16.00
Anniversary Easter 21 April 10.00-16.00

Midsummer Eve-Closed

Contact us:
Phone: 0570-46 01 85


ADDRESS: Damastvägen 5, 671 95 Klässbol

Book a guided tour of the weaving mill

At Klässbol's Linneväveri, linen has been woven for over 100 years and here you have the opportunity to experience the manufacture of linen products up close. You can see the entire production from warping and weaving to proofing and finished products. Our machine park spans everything from hand looms from the 19th century to completely modern weaving machines. It is perfectly possible to walk around and explore the production on your own. In our store, you can buy premium goods at a favorable factory price, as well as other sorting at an additional reduced price.

Smaller groups (up to 30 people) SEK 300.
Larger groups (over 30 people) SEK 10 per person.
We have a minimum of 10 people per showing.

The guided tour takes about 30 minutes + time for sightseeing and shopping.

Book at:
Phone: 0570 46 01 85

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